Second quarter confirms with positive result

October 26, 2021

Portfolio remains stable

Because of the cautious investment policy that Incofin still apllies, the size of the portfolio remains stable at 72 million euro compared to the end of 2020.


Incofin cvso increases its impact 

While Incofin cvso’s investments reached 4.7 million entrepreneurs at the end of 2020, this has now expanded to 5.2 million entrepreneurs (of which 83% are women) in 29 countries through 45 partner organisations. In the first half of 2021, Incofin cvso invested 15.6 million euros in its partner organisations.


Again a positive result 

After a difficult year in 2020  Incofin cvso ends the second quarter of 2021 again with a positive result of 507,000 euros.  


Investors remain loyal to Incofin cvso 

Halfway through 2021, Incofin cvso had 2,560 shareholders. We were able to welcome 6 new shareholders (net) since the beginning of the year. We also see a slight increase in managed capital: + 313,000 euros.

BALANCE SHEET (in million euros)06/202112/2020
Investment portfolio71,675,2
Loan portfolio44,046,8
Subordinated loan portfolio12,013,0
Number of investments5558
Impairments and provisions
% Total loan portfolio3,6%6,8%
PAR 309,2%5,8%
PAR 30 + restructuring12,8%15,3%
Capital and reserves49,749,4
Result carried forward3,85,4
Debt capital26,028,2
Available credits and liquidity13,913,7
stock value (in euros)
Net asset value (NAV)2 9192 894
Nominal value2 6042 604
Number of shareholders2.5602.554
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (in million euros)06/202112/2020
Equity portfolio0,30,9
Loan portfolio (senior + subordinated)-1,03,2
Operational costs-0,7-1,6
Other income0,20,1
Operational result (EBIT)0,9-0,2
Financial results-0,3-1,0
Result after taxes0,5-1,6