Incofin cvso

Micro finance

  • You support micro-entrepreneurs all over the world
  • You enjoy a direct financial benefit
  • You help to make the local institutions stronger

Invest in driven entrepeneurs and yourself.
Starting from €130.20.

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“Change comes from below and by taking action. This is your chance!”

“Equality. Fair chances. Sustainability. People talk of nothing else these days. But now it is time to act. One of the things you can do is invest in safe securities that still yield a return and at the same time lend a helping hand to enterprising people in developing countries. If you – like our more than 2.228 shareholders – help to back up our microcredits, you will enjoy both a financial and a social return. Together we make the entrepreneurial dreams of brave and creative men and women come true in areas where financial support, confidence and specific advice are not self-evident. Promising results, that is what we aim for. Welcome to Incofin cvso.”

Dina Pons

Co-responsable Asie & Impact Manager Incofin

Incofin cvso, de vlag die een prachtige lading dekt

Je houdt niet van vage afkortingen? Wij ook niet. Maar overal voluit ‘coöperatieve vennootschap met sociaal oogmerk’ vermelden neemt te veel ruimte in die we liever voor interessantere dingen gebruiken. Via onze coöperatieve vennootschap met sociaal oogmerk – die we vanaf nu dus cvso zullen noemen – doe je iets moois voor jezelf en voor microbedrijfjes in ontwikkelingslanden. Wereldwijd hebben meer dan twee miljard volwassenen nog geen of beperkte toegang tot financiële diensten. Velen van hen maken volop plannen om hun toekomst eigenhandig te verbeteren. Maar zelf een zaak opstarten of uitbreiden lukt vaak niet zonder krediet. Bovendien willen of zijn die mensen aan de slag in minder evidente economische, geografische, sociale of politieke omstandigheden … Voor een grote slaagkans is er dus meer nodig dan enkel het lenen van start- of uitbreidingskapitaal. Via onze 44 lokale financiële partners ter plaatse ondersteunen we 4,6 miljoen gedreven micro-ondernemers ook met degelijk advies, praktijkervaring, bedrijfsbezoeken, opleidingen enzovoort. Zo geven we extra houvast en vertrouwen en zijn we zeker van de nodige kennis, inzet en verantwoordelijkheid. Ons doel: zoveel mogelijk mensen met een laag inkomen bereiken en helpen, en de duurzaamheid van projecten te garanderen. Daarom bieden we onze financiële partners naast financiering ook technische ondersteuning op maat.
2023 Annual Report
Enjoy three benefits

Invest in the Incofin cvso fund

Want to find out what we have accomplished already?

Six heartwarming testimonies

Six heartwarming testimonies

You will find clear answers here


Valuable technical support for our financial partners

Our goal is to reach and help as many people as possible with a low income, and guarantee the sustainability of projects. That is why, in addition to financing, we offer our financial partners also customized technical support.

Incofin cvso provides additional funding to support its partners through Technical Assistance (TA). The aim of these grants is to improve the capacity of the partner organisation to better serve its  clients. We support the design of projects and the recruitment of expert consultants who transfer knowledge and enable partner institutions to achieve financial sustainability and social impact beyond the project.

Through TA, Incofin cvso supports investees to:  

  • develop new financial and non-financial products 
  • streamline day-to-day operations 
  • strengthen risk management practices 
  • explore alternative delivery channels (e.g. digital payment services, agent banking) 
  • enhance social performance and customer relationship management 

 Every year Incofin cvso sets aside 100,000 euros for TA.

We have been helping hardworking people to build
a better future for 25 years already.
Today we do so in 30 countries. Are you ready to join us?

This is why we stand stronger together

Incofin cvso is a Belgian investment fund with ample international experience and with the heart in the right place. Thanks to our local investment teams we know exactly where your money is going to and what is done with it. We regularly keep you informed and – in addition to the satisfaction of doing something good along with many others – you can get as a shareholder an annual dividend. The dividends from the past are no guarantee for the future.

Growth for


You support micro-entrepreneurs all over the world

A financial boost can make the difference for a complete family or even an entire community.




You enjoy a direct financial benefit

Five percent tax relief on your investment. Plus a reasonable dividend, of which up to a possible 800 euro dividend is free of withholding tax.




You help to make the local institutions stronger

We co-finance expert projects that help our local financial partners to get even stronger and more sustainable.